This is anila reddy butukuri a medical student in India.

Welcome to my blog where u can see my interaction with the patient  which has been improved alot since 3rd year of my mbbs for which I am very grateful to our HOD sir who guided us  and pushed us to become a very good medical student 

Our learning in the medicine department  is centred around patient 

Doctor relationship and a practical approach towards the subject 

coming to the final diagnosis without the help of unnecessary investigations 

Iam really glad to work in this department with the at most patient faculty who gave us knowledgeable insights on each and every case making us well trained medical professionals.

A 34 year old male who came to our opd as a referral from psychiatry department as a k/c/o alcoholic dependence and he is seems to completely okay when he visited out opd we performed each and every system examination where he is completely alright there is no ascites ,no organomegaly and we did respiratory examination too where our SR heard mild crepts in the left lung  then I was very enthusiastic to hear the crepts  but I am unable to figure it as crepts then the patient was admitted after that being with my patient with my pgs guidance I am able to differentiate between crepts and normal breath sounds and I am able to localize which lung and which lobe is affecting then we sent him for investigations 

Where X ray didn’t show any positive findings so we sent him for ultrasound and the findings shows free fluid is noted in the bilateral pleural spaces then we came to the diagnosis as mild pleural effusion for which further treatment was given 

I felt amazed as the patient came with nothing but now he was diagnosed with pleural effusion


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